our services
In-house engineering increases safety, efficiency, and productivity which in turn reduces construction hazards, installation costs and schedule durations on the project. Utilization of virtual construction visualization technology in the office and the field help us “see into our potential future” allowing us to make decisions early enough to positively affect our upcoming work.

LPR’s culture, systems, and people have created a successful and nationally recognized safety program that sets the standard and reduces construction hazards on every project without impacting schedules.
As the inventor of 100% fall protection above 6’-0” for steel work, LPR has set the standard for safety nationwide. LPR’s EMR has been 0.90 or under since 1995 and TRIR under 2.0 since 2015.
LPR has been participating in VPP with OSHA for more than 25 years.
Our knowledge and experience have led us to build stadiums & arenas, theme parks, hospitals, airports, industrial and manufacturing facilities in merit shop markets through the Continental United States, continuing to expand our capabilities.

As a merit shop contractor, LPR takes responsibility for the necessary training of the ironworkers, crane operators, and welders through our certified with National Center of Construction Education Research (NCCER) program, a nationally registered apprentice training program.