What Does Stress Got to Do With It?

Some sort of stress is a fact of daily life but it’s how we deal with the stress that can have a negative effect on us.

This infographic from Stress.org shows the many ways that chronic stress can negatively effect our wellbeing.

To prevent stress from taking over and causing issues, practice stress reduction techniques daily. Here are 7 effective stress hacks that you can use supplied by Baylor College of Medicine.


Make it a habit of practicing these hacks on a daily basis to keep the effects of stress under control. Take the below stress quiz to get a better idea of how stress is effecting you.

If you are practicing daily stress management techniques and you are still experiencing negative effects of stress you can always contact the Employee Assistance Program for additional assistance. As an employee you receive 5 counseling visits for you and your family. Call the Cigna EAP at 877.622.4327 or go online at www.MyCigna.com.