Stress the Silent Culprit

Constant stress is annoying all by its self, but did you ever consider that constant stress could be contributing to disease? It can and does if the stress becomes chronic. Below are several ways that chronic stress can contribute to disease processes in the body:

  • When we are stressed the body produces adrenaline so that we can run from or fight off the threat. Adrenaline is very toxic to the body and since we are not running from or fighting off the threat and using up the adrenaline, it lingers in the body like battery acid, doing damage.
  • When the body perceives a situation as stressful it prepares to defend itself. One of the ways it does this is by shutting down systems that the body does not need to defend itself. One of those systems is your immune system. I am sure you have experienced this – think back to a time when you were frequently stressed and how easy it was for you to catch colds or get sick in another way. Our immune system needs to be ever vigilant to protect us from viruses, bacteria and cancer cells.
  • One of the other systems that shuts down when we are stressed is our digestive system. No wonder so many people have digestive issues. I always recommend that once you sit down for a meal that you take a few deep breaths and say grace to give your body a moment to step out of the stress state and redirect your energy back to your digestive system. The type of food we eat as well as how well we digest the food is important to our health and wellbeing.
  • Chronic stress is very draining. As the body prepares to flee all energy is directed to the arms and legs and away the bodies core. This process wears us down. This is why some people are worn out mid-day. This process is like speeding from light to light as you drive home – you are going to use more gas this way and put more wear and tear on your vehicle. The same is true for our body when in a constantly stressed state.
  • Cortisol is necessary to keep us awake throughout the day, but excess cortisol produced by chronic stress can start to negatively affect our sleep. Sleep is an important time for the body to cleanse and regenerate and if it is not able to run through these processes because we are not getting good sleep it starts to gunk up the body.
  • Between excess cortisol and adrenaline chronic iInflammation can become a problem. There is a school of thought that chronic inflammation is the precursor to all disease. It certainly can have a negative affect. Think of a time when you were really stressed and how your neck or shoulders were tight or achy. This was likely caused by inflammation.

As you can see by the above list there are many ways that stress can be detrimental to our health and wellbeing. Below are links to a couple other articles on stress and disease as well as resources that can help you manage your stress.

Stress and Disease Articles:

Stress Management Resources:

Lifestyle Management Program with Cigna is FREE to those covered by the health insurance plan. You can call 866.494.2111 or go online to to access the program.

Employee Assistance Program (EAP) allows for 5 FREE one-on-one counseling visits which can be utilized for stress management. You can call 877.622.4327 or go online to employer ID: lpr to access the EAP benefits.

Man Therapy is an online resource that can direct you to other resources for all kinds of mental health subjects. You can find them at this link

If you find that you have developed a chronic condition and need some guidance on how to best manage it Cigna offers a Chronic Condition Coaching Program for FREE. With some disease coaching and stress management you might be surprised at how much better you can feel. If you want to know more about chronic condition coaching or want to sign up you can access support by either calling 866.494.2111 to get assigned a contact or by using the online tools found at

Financial Well-being

I don’t know about you, but I was thrown into my adulthood with no real knowledge of how to manage my finances and I made some costly mistakes. My guess is most of you have had little guidance on personal finances or what it means to have financial well-being. The lack of financial well-being can put stress and strain on you and your family. Financial issues are one of the top ten reasons people get divorced.

2017 report in MarketWatch found that half of American households currently live paycheck to paycheck

  • 19% have $0 saved to cover emergency expenses; 31% have less than $500 in emergency savings
  • About 49% of Americans are “concerned, anxious or fearful about their current financial well-being”

The average credit card debt is somewhere between 6,000 and 8,000 dollars.

Even if you are great at budgeting or saving for emergencies maybe there are areas of finances you’d like to know more about as your life’s circumstances change. Such as retirement, college funds or navigating the care of a parent. There may also be ways to save some money that you haven’t thought of.

Below is a list of resources as well as money saving ideas that you can use to gain more financial well-being:

Take advantage of the money saving features of the Health Savings Account (HSA) with the Triple-tax advantage

Your HSA is triple-tax advantaged:

Contributions – Your contributions can be reduced from your taxable income either by making pretax payroll deductions or contributing post tax and listing the contributions on your federal income tax return. (Use the Form 8889.)

Earnings – Any interest earned in your HSA cash account and any increase in the value of your mutual fund investments are tax-free, meaning that you do not have to list these as taxable income on your federal income tax return. No action is required to report these earnings.

Paying for medical expenses – As long as you use the HSA for approved health care expenses, you do not pay any taxes on the money that you take out of the account. This means that every time you make a purchase, you are actually saving money.

Wellness Premium Savings

If you participate in the company provided insurance, you can save $125 a month by getting a wellness visit and submitting a validation form signed by the physician. If your spouse is also covered they too will need to get the wellness visit for the credit to apply. Check out this link for more details and the validation form. If you are on the road for work you can utilize a convenience care clinic for your wellness visit – log onto to find a convenience care clinic in the network near your job location.

Cost saving measures when using your medical insurance – shopping for services:

Telehealth Connection is a service offered by Cigna by which you can have access to a doctor via a phone call. There are two separate service providers you can utilize – they are Amwell and MDLIVE. Once you register with one of the services you can request a phone consultation for any of the below issues. Amwell costs $49 and MDLIVE $45 per consultation. or 855-667-9722 or 888-726-3171

Telehealth Connection service can be utilized for the following conditions:

  • Acne
  • Allergies
  • Cold & Flu
  • Fevers
  • Headaches
  • Rashes
  • Sore Throats
  • Stomachaches
  • Urinary Tract Infections

Urgent Care vs Emergency Room – According to Cigna the average ER visit is $2,259 versus an Urgent Care visit at $176. That’s an average savings of $2,083. Log onto to look up Urgent Care facilities in your area.

Prescription Savings – Saving on prescriptions by using the Walmart $4 program – Walmart offers numerous prescription drugs for $4 for a 30-day supply and $10 for a 90-day supply. They have drugs that cover all the common issues such as cholesterol, diabetes, digestion, heart health, blood pressure, thyroid and family planning. You can find a list of all the covered drugs at this link.

Auto Save – create a routine around saving money by either contributing to the company sponsored 401K plan (which is pretax, so you are saving on your taxes) or by having a portion of your pay put in a savings account. Here is an article on some ways you can save some money so that contributing to a 401K or savings account is easier. Ways to save money on a low income – Article

Along with the above cost saving measures you can learn more about personal finances and how to achieve more financial well-being, by checking out the FREE courses on Smart About Money

I encourage you to utilize the above resources as well as checking out all the resources available to you at and at brought to you by Fidelity (our 401K provider).

Super-hydrating Foods – It’s What’s for Lunch!

    This article comes from a Toolbox Talk created by the Safety Team.

As we already know, Summer and the heat that goes along with it is on its way. Along with the heat comes humidity which can make a 90º day feel more like 105º. There are charts that help us to determine what the heat index is by using both the temperature and the humidity. The higher the heat index the more dangerous it is to people that work or do activities outdoors. 

     It is talked about all the time to make sure to drink plenty of fluids during the heat of the summer months. But here, we are going to look at what foods to eat that will help to replace the fluids and essential vitamins and minerals. 

Here is a list of foods that will help with these items.

Berries: Blueberries and black berries are more than 85 percent water while strawberries are 92 percent. 

Broccoli: This cruciferous veggie appears dense but is 91 percent water.

Apples: An apple a day can help keep you hydrated, as a fruit is 84 percent water.

Pears: Eating a white-fleshed fruit, such as a pear, each day might cut your stroke risk in half.These hydrating fruits are 84 percent water.

Cherries: These tiny stone fruits are 80 percent water. If you eat a full cup of cherries (with pits) you will consume almost half a cup of hydration.

Grapefruit: Typically grown in the winter and spring, But the juicy fruit can still help hydrate you during the summer. Grapefruit contain about 91 percent water, with the red variety containing the most H2O.

Spinach: Is not only rich in nonheme iron, but also has 92 percent water and 23 calories.

Carrots: Not only can they help maintain your vision, they’re also 87 percent water.

Grapes: These berries are 81 percent water. They are high in vitamins K and C while grape seeds are full of additional antioxidants.

Oranges: Juicy oranges are 87 percent water, plus they are packed with vitamin C.

Pineapple: Juicy pineapple delivers the compound bromelain, a powerful anti-inflammatory agent. They are also about 87 percent water.

Cantaloupe: These melons are bursting with vitamins A and C and a compound called adenosine, which has heart-health benefits. Plus, they are 90 percent water.

Tomatoes: High is the antioxidant lycopene; red tomatoes are 94 percent water while the green variety is about 93 percent H2O.

Watermelon: This juicy treat is one of the most hydrating fruits, as 92 percent of the sweet red flesh is water.

Plums: Plums are stone fruits, a group shown to help prevent heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes. They are 85 percent water.

Cucumber: One of the summer’s favorite water packed veggies, cucumbers contains 96 percent water. 

Mango: One cup of mango slices will give you more than a half cup of water. 

Bell Peppers: Sweet red bell peppers have even more vitamin C than oranges. They’re also 92 percent water.

Celery: This veggie is a whopping 95 percent water.

Most of these items can be packed into you daily lunch and consumed during a quick break or lunch. 

A cool idea that can be done with most berries is to put them into a zip lock bag and place in the refrigerator. In the morning, place them in the freezer for about 30 to 45 minutes prior to leaving home. Remove from the freezer and place in your lunch box. This can help in keeping your other food cool along with keeping them cool so when you eat them, it helps to cool you down as well.  A favorite of mine is frozen grapes – they make a delicious hydrating and cooling snack.

As construction workers, we don’t always eat health, however during the heat of summer, there are foods best left alone. Spicy foods which contains capsaicin causes an increase in our body temperature. Diuretic foods which includes alcohol, energy drinks and caffeine and other foods can help to de-hydrate our bodies Last is high-protein foods such as steak and hamburgers, Protein causes the body to work hard to digest which creates heat in our body, so cut down on the amount of meat during hot weather. 

What Does Stress Got to Do With It?

Some sort of stress is a fact of daily life but it’s how we deal with the stress that can have a negative effect on us.

This infographic from shows the many ways that chronic stress can negatively effect our wellbeing.

To prevent stress from taking over and causing issues, practice stress reduction techniques daily. Here are 7 effective stress hacks that you can use supplied by Baylor College of Medicine.


Make it a habit of practicing these hacks on a daily basis to keep the effects of stress under control. Take the below stress quiz to get a better idea of how stress is effecting you.

If you are practicing daily stress management techniques and you are still experiencing negative effects of stress you can always contact the Employee Assistance Program for additional assistance. As an employee you receive 5 counseling visits for you and your family. Call the Cigna EAP at 877.622.4327 or go online at

Telehealth Connection

Not all healthcare situations require an in-person doctors visit. Through Cigna’s Telehealth Connection service, you can access a board-certified doctor via a video chat or phone call.

Telehealth Connection service can be utilized for the following conditions:

·       Acne

·       Allergies

·       Cold & Flu

·       Fevers

·       Headaches

·       Rashes

·       Sore Throats

·       Stomachaches

·       Urinary Tract Infections

Signing up is EASY!

Visit the website or call to register for one or both telehealth services available through Cigna. The telehealth services are provided through Amwell and MDLIVE. Once you are register then you will be ready to use the service when you need it so register in advance of your need for the service. or 855-667-9722 or 888-726-3171


The service is available 24/7 and if after the evaluation it is determined that you need a prescription, the telehealth provider can call one in for you.

Chronic Condition Coaching – Cigna

If you have been diagnosed with a chronic health condition Cigna will connect you with a dedicated contact to help you.

They can help with:

·       Managing your chronic condition

·       Create a plan to improve your health

·       Help you understand medications and doctor’s orders

·       Identify triggers that affect your condition


Conditions that trigger outreach:


COPD (emphysema and chronic bronchitis)

Low back pain

Metabolic syndrome


Peripheral artery disease


  • Anxiety
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Depression


  • Type 1
  • Type 2


  • Chest pain
  • Heart attack
  • Heart disease
  • Heart failure


If you have one of these chronic conditions you can access support by either calling 866-494-2111 to get assigned a contact or by using the online tools found at


It is never too late to start managing your health and Cigna is here to help.

Man Therapy and Cigna EAP for Mental Health

Mental Health Resources

LPR Construction recognizes that life can be stressful and as such we’d like to supply you with resources that can assist you with stress management and the side effects of chronic stress such as anxiety, depression and substance abuse. LPR believes that the mental and physical health of our employees is invaluable, so we have teamed up with Man Therapy to give you the tools and resources you need to reduce stress and take back your life.

“Working aged men (25-54 years old) account for the largest number of suicide deaths in the U.S. These men are also the least likely to receive any kind of support. They don’t talk about it with their friends. They don’t share with their family. And they sure as heck don’t seek professional treatment. They are the victims of problematic thinking that says mental health disorders are unmanly signs of weakness.”

– (the resources are available to anyone and are not just for men)

Mental health is just as important as physical health. Man Therapy can help you recognize issues and gives you resources to deal with those issues to get life back on track.

What you will find on the website:

  • Mental Health Topics

o   Sleep

o   Anxiety

o   Fatherhood

o   Difficult Transitions

o   Anger & Rage

o   Depression

o   Stress

o   Addiction

  • Activities that help reduce stress
  • Resources related to the Mental Health Topics above
  • Testimonies

Take some time to scroll through the website – you’ll be sure to find tips, tools and/or resources to help guide you through stressful times in your life. You don’t even need to wait until you are overwhelmed by stress to use some of the activities listed on the site. These activities can help make you more resilient to every day stressors to maintain overall wellbeing.

Along with the resources found on the Man Therapy website – LPR also has an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) that is available to all employees. You have 5 FREE counseling visits through the EAP. You can check out your benefits and locate a provider online through

Cigna offers two FREE programs that can assist with mental health management. The programs are iPrevail and Happify. Below is a description of the program and how to access it.

Image preview

Suicide Prevention Resources

Feelings of loneliness, despair, and inadequacy can lead us to a dark place but these feelings do not define you. There is always brighter days, people who need you, and solutions to your darkest moments. If you or a loved one has thoughts of suicide or are in a crisis you just can’t imagine an end to, please reach out for help. Below are resources that can help you!

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline


Crisis Text Line

Text HOME to 741741 from anywhere in the USA, anytime, about any type of crisis

Wellness Premium Credit and Tobacco Cessation Program

LPR and LBI are participating in two health initiatives that can reduce the cost of your monthly premium. These are a Wellness Premium Credit and a Tobacco Cessation Program.

If you submit a Wellness Visit Validation Form signed by your doctor you will receive a $125 monthly credit towards your premium.  If you have a spouse on the insurance, you and your spouse must complete the Wellness Visit Validation Form to get the $125/month credit.

If you are a tobacco user, you will pay $150/month extra on your premium, if you complete the Tobacco Cessation Program or receive 6 coaching calls through Cigna you will receive that $150 monthly back off your premium. Please complete the Tobacco Affidavit to designate if you are or are not a tobacco user. To complete the Wellness Premium Credit see the form and instructions below.

The credit is $125 a month towards your premium. This is $1500 a year not to mention you will have the peace-of-mind knowing if you have any health risks and how to handle them.

Convenience care clinics provide health screenings to qualify you for the wellness premium credit. Before you schedule your appointment make sure to print off the validation form for the provider to sign. Also know what service you need to ask for as each clinic refers to the service with different terminology. Below is a list of the clinic names and the service you want to request. Check for the most recent list of convenience care clinics – type in your city and state and then Convenience Care Clinic and look for any of the three listed below. You can also get the MyCigna App for your phone.

Minuteclinic – Comprehensive Health Screening
Healthcare Clinic (Walgreens) – Health Screening with Health Risk Assessment
The Little Clinic – Biometric Screening and Consultation

Note: If your spouse is covered by the health insurance they to will need to get a wellness visit for the credit to apply.

These same clinics will help you monitor health risks such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol or high blood sugar. Making it easier to manage your health while you are on the road for work.

VIDEO – How to find a network provider

Tobacco Affidavit

Wellness Visit Validation Form

Wellness Premium Credit Instructions

Employee Assistance Program

As an employee of LPR or LBI you are eligible to participate in the Cigna Employee Assistance Program.

Through the EAP you can get extra support for handling life’s demands. Call for guidance or a referral to a service in your community on topics such as:

Financial Services & Referral. Receive a 30-minute free consultation and up to a 25% discount on select fees with network providers.

Legal Consultation. Receive a 30-minute free consultation and up to a 25% discount on select fees.

Identity Theft. Receive a 60-minute free consultation with a fraud resolution specialist.

Child Care. Whether you need care all day or just after school, find a place that’s right for your family.

Senior Care. Learn about challenges and solutions  associated with caring for an aging loved one.

Pet Care. From grooming to boarding to veterinary services, find what you need to care for your pet.

You can find out more about the EAP and all the services that are offered by going to or calling 1.877.622.4327. The Employer ID is lpr

Using the EAP is totally CONFIDENTIAL.